• Feline Hyperthyroidism

    We are curing 99% of cats

    We provide a permanent cure for feline hyperthyroidism and cats can return home as early as 4 days after treatment

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  • About hyperthyroidism

    Is YOUR cat Hyperthyroid?

    Increased appetite? Losing weight? Unkempt coat? Restless? These are signs your cat could be hyperthyroid.

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  • About hyperthyroidism

    Resolving Feline Hyperthyroidism

    We provide a friendly and professional service for the cat, the owner and the referring vet from first enquiry to final follow-up, 6 months’ after treatment

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Our Story About The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre

Welcome to The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre.

Based in Wetherby, West Yorkshire, we are one of the UK's leading centres for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism. Cats come to us from across the country to benefit from our friendly professional comprehensive service.

Our large capacity means we usually have shorter than average waiting times once your cat is referred to us.

We are pleased to be able to allow cats home again from as little as 4 days after treatment, the shortest period available in the UK.

We welcome you to browse our site where you can read more about hyperthyroidism in cats - causes, symptoms, all treatment options, possible causes and suggested prevention strategies. If any of the information is unclear don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss any aspect further.

We’ve included a number of testimonials which describe the experience of other cat owners whose cats are now cured of hyperthyroidism. Everyone’s experience is unique but there may be areas of overlap between others experiences and your own starting point. Almost all of the illustrations on our site are of cats we have treated – many thanks to all who have shared their stories and their photos!

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  • Lizzie – Cured and Content

    I was so impressed with the care and support from the HCC. They cured my cat of her illness, which is brilliant and the most important thing, but were also so kind with me and really understanding. I would certainly recommend their services wholeheartedly.

  • Kali – Calm and Collected Once More

    I would like to thank you again for all the professionalism showed along with the help and care that you took with him. We are already seeing the benefits (and so is Kali)!

  • Vets’ Testimonials

    Please pass our thanks to Andrew for a thoroughly fascinating insight into a frustrating condition, without the selective information filter, hype and hard-sell that comes from drug companies, and at just the right level to keep us engaged without going over our heads!! And, of course, for lunch, which is always very much appreciated!.

  • Huggie – hyperthyroid, hypertensive and only 1 eye!

    The care and work of all at the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre has returned Huggie to his good old self, I’m extremely thankful to one and all for the dedication they have shown. I’d certainly not hesitate in recommending this treatment at the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre to anyone with a cat with hyperthyroidism.

  • Swede’s Success

    We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for looking after Swede so well...he's like a young cat all over again.

Check out our... Latest News

Thank you to our clients and referring vets

Thank you for sharing our vision of making Radio-iodine treatment first-choice not last-resort for hyperthyroid cats Working together, we have cured over 3,000 hyperthyroid cats over our first decade and look forward to continuing working with you to cure many many more!

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Dexter’s Journey

Dexter was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism in March 2018  by my local vet . He had the highest level’s they had seen to date at the practice. Now, probably like all of you who will read this – Dexter is my baby, we rescued him when he was 2 and he has been with us for […]

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Oscar – From Street Cat to Superstar

Oscar was found sitting lost in the snow outside a factory in Gateshead at the start of March 2018. He was taken to a vet who recommended that he was put to sleep as he had kidney failure but another friend recognised that he was possibly Hyperthyroid and a second vet confirmed this. After a […]

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Andrew Bodey IDEXX

Dr Andrew Bodey speaking at the IDEXX symposium at ISFM in Sorrento June 2018

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Our Services

Personal touch

All cats that come to us for treatment are treated as individuals, with dignity and kindness. We aim to update you daily on your cats progress, putting your mind at rest during this difficult time.

Taking care

Our main focus is to provide the best clinical treatment for cats, the best client-care for cat owners, the best referral service for your vet and the best working environment we can. But without exception we all know first-hand the pleasure and value of owning a cat….

Qualified vets

Please register with us to access referral forms in addition to more technical information on feline hyperthyroidism and the advantages of radio-iodine treatment. We also provide access to selected journal articles and research.

Research & development

As one of the UK's leading clinics for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism we are ideally placed to conduct clinical research, working with leading universities, vets and cat owners.

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Our Team

Andrew Bodey

Veterinary Surgeon

Andrew is our clinical director, with a wealth of experience in treating hyperthyroidism in cats.

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Angela Bodey

Angela Bodey - The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre

Veterinary Surgeon

Angela is a veterinary surgeon who also works part time at the Centre, primarily assisting with research.

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Amanda Mockett

Client care

Amanda uses her enthusiasm for providing outstanding client care to make sure that all of our clients – both human and feline – are having their needs met in a way that exceeds expectations.

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