Radio-iodine Treatment

Submit A Sample

Submit a sample

We will write to you with a checklist both before and after radio-iodine with specific guidance on which tests are appropriate.  We ask that all samples are submitted to the IDEXX reference laboratory at Wetherby. This makes it easiest to compare results before and after radio-iodine treatment, helps add to our extensive database which we can use for clinical research, and also gives us access to the novel renal biomarker SDMA (see the links below). If you already use IDEXX it’s simplest to use your own submission form, but please use our own Panel Codes (in the login area) to make sure we get the results we need. If you do not use IDEXX routinely you are welcome to use our own IDEXX account by downloading our submission form, available in the login area.


Please use our HCC IDEXX Submission Form 2024 when submitting a sample.  You might be interested in the following information about the novel renal biomarker, SDMA, which IDEXX offers:

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