
Cat Stories

Affectionate Charlie

When Charlie our 15 year old cat began to lose weight, developed an insatiable appetite and began to drink lots of water we knew something was wrong. After a number of routine tests at our local vet the conclusion was hyperthyroid.

Without hesitation we contacted Andrew Bodey and the team at The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre. We had used them in 2014 when our lovely tabby cat Hector became hyperthyroid and was completely cured by the Centre and we had no hesitation in contacting them again.

Charlie – Cured of Hyperthyroidism

Andrew talked through the pros and cons of having radio-active iodine rather than medication for life and we decided to go for it again.  We were a little concerned because Charlie is an older cat and he is so “clingy” and affectionate that we wondered how he would cope without lots of cuddles and human contact immediately following treatment.  Andrew reassured us that he would be well looked after and we decided that a short time in isolation would be far better in the long term than a lifetime of medication. We were provided with detailed instructions and guidelines, which were very reassuring. As an added bonus on the day we took Charlie for his treatment, after a long journey from Birmingham we were greeted with tea and muffins.

The care this time round was as outstanding as four years ago. We chose The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre because they specialise in hyperthyroid treatment and certainly know what they are doing.  We had an excellent outcome before and the thought of trying to get Charlie to take medication for the rest of his days didn’t really bear thinking about. Also we are aware of the possible side effects of long term medication and we wanted to give Charlie the best chance we could.

The treatment was administered on the day of admission and the aftercare was excellent with daily telephone updates from the team.  Charlie is a very important member of our family and we were in the fortunate positon to be able to provide the best possible care for him.  We wouldn’t hesitate to return to see Andrew and the team if we have a cat in the future that needs hyperthyroid treatment.

If in doubt give them a call!

The care this time round was as outstanding as four years ago.