
Cat Stories

Daisy – Back to Mouseing!

hyperthyroid cat Daisy - cured of hyperthyroidism by Andrew Bodey

Having previously had 2 cats with hyperthyroidism we noticed quite early on that our tubby tortie, Daisy seemed to be losing weight but still eating lots. We felt her chest and discovered that her thyroid was enlarged. We immediately took her to our vet, who confirmed our worst fears; she was hyperthyroid.

Initially we started treating Daisy with tablets, but this was a nightmare as she fought us tooth and claw. Tableting her became so stressful for us all that after a couple of weeks Daisy totally withdrew from us, she wouldn’t come near us, she stopped eating and her weight plummeted. It felt as if the vets’ surgery had become our second home and poor Daisy became so ill and withdrawn, we actually thought we might lose her.

As it was clear that oral medication was not working, the vet outlined a couple of further options; surgery or radio iodine treatment. The vet advised that the radio iodine treatment had a greater chance of success, albeit more expensive than the surgery. Cost was a factor for us as Daisy was not insured, however the difference between the surgery and the radio iodine wasn’t that much and the radio iodine treatment was far less invasive and therefore would be less traumatic for Daisy.

Bearing all this in mind, we looked at the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre’s web site, and then gave them a call. I was put through to Andrew Bodey who explained the procedure to me. We were nervous about leaving Daisy for a week as she’d never been left with strangers before, but after speaking to Andrew I felt much more at ease at the prospect.

When the day finally came for Daisy to go to the HCC, we packed her into her carrier and took her, her favourite bed and food over to Wetherby.

The staff were really welcoming and friendly, and made a big fuss of Daisy. They asked for all her details; silly names we call her (Daisy Duck, Doozer, Duckie, the list goes on!), what she liked most to eat, her favourite place to be tickled, what toys she liked etc. It was clear that she would be treated like the princess she thinks she is. Andrew examined Daisy and said he was happy to proceed, and they would be in touch later that day to tell me how it had gone.

True to his word, we received a call saying that Daisy had had the injection and that she was doing well. Each day we got an update on Daisy and the week seemed to pass very quickly.

When I arrived to pick Daisy up, Andrew went through all the safety procedures for the coming month, then Daisy was brought out. I have to say that she looked very pleased with herself, especially when I was given a portion of fresh fish to take home for her tea!

In the following months, Daisy has flourished. She’s put weight back on and is back to her old self. She even caught her first mouse in years (even if she did bring it into the living room to eat!). I would happily recommend Andrew and his team. They looked after Daisy as if she was their own cat, and it’s like she now has a second lease of life. Thanks you all so much.

I would happily recommend Andrew and his team. They looked after Daisy as if she was their own cat, and it’s like she now has a second lease of life. Thank you all so much.

Daisy's Owners