
Cat Stories

Josh – ‘Visiting’ Her Friends Once More

Rogue n' Josh - Josh is now cured of hyperthyroidism using radio-iodine

Just a note to let you know that Josh is doing remarkably well and to thank you so much for restoring a very valued member of our family back to full health.

Other than the wonderful chats and graphs that you have provided I wanted to provide a snapshot of how life for our family has changed since we got Josh back.

Josh is a mum to one other cat ‘Rogue’ she is three times bigger than Josh. (named Rogue and Josh…and in the curry Rogan Josh…my favourite)

The first thing Josh does in the morning is say hello and then go for a wander around the outside perimeter of the fence. Prior to treatment she would practically savage me for food as soon as I went downstairs to greet her. Now she nibbles at 10 and 7 and is quite happy.

Josh has taken a back seat now. She enjoys snoozing in the sunshine rather than her overactive irritated former self. I love to watch her sleeping and purring…only issue is she has started snoring…it makes us laugh though.

Our cat food bill is 75% less than it had been for the past 8 months.

Josh is a favourite in our street full of elderly ladies and she was greatly missed during treatment and recovery. However since she returned they have all commented that she is back to normal and has resumed her visiting position in each of their conservatories and sitting rooms…even getting into bed for a cuddle with one lady !!!

Prior to treatment she had stopped cuddling and grooming Rogue and was fighting a lot with her. Now Josh has reverted to her old ways and they are very much mum and daughter again.

Before treatment Josh had become so anxious and upset that I would not leave her with children. Now she often cuddles with them and says hello…although she does not really like the noisy little things !!!

So… please do pass my details on to any prospective vets or clients who are considering treatment. We refer to her stay with you as time at the special cat “spa” as she came back rested and better and healthier than ever. I don’t think she missed us at all really and obviously made new friends as she has some new vocabulary which we are learning 🙂

Best Wishes from us all!

So... please do pass my details on to any prospective vets or clients who are considering treatment. We refer to her stay with you as time at the special cat "spa" as she came back rested and better and healthier than ever.