
Cat Stories

Swede’s Success

Swede free from hyperthyroidism

We wanted to update you on Swede’s progress.

He was very well behaved throughout his stay indoors but is very glad to have his freedom back.  He’s just been to the vets today for his first check up since the treatment.  He now weighs 4.7 kg – he was 3.75 when they diagnosed him! He has filled out in his face and you can no longer feel his spine so prominently when you stroke him.  He seems much happier in himself, spending more time indoors with us.  He still loves his food (he always did) but the desperate, ravenous cat has gone.

The vet has taken bloods today so expect some results soon.  His blood pressure was 140 (so normal considering he was a bit stressed). I can’t remember the exact figure for his urine specific gravity but she did say it showed no kidney problems. She also checked his eyes – fine.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for looking after Swede so well…he’s like a young cat all over again.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for looking after Swede so well...he's like a young cat all over again. 

Swede's Mum