
Cat Stories

Pippa is ‘contented’

cat cured after radioiodine treatment

Pippa, our 12 year old cat started to lose weight drastically and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism just before Christmas 2013.  She was prescribed felimazole but quickly developed a reaction to it and had to stop it, as her ears became very inflamed.  We were then faced with the dilemma of deciding what to do.

We knew that radioactive iodine was the gold standard treatment but were concerned how she would cope.  She has always been a very lively and friendly cat and is number one in our household!  She had not been to a cattery before and has always been a poor traveller.  Her only use for cat litter has previously been to roll in it and spread it all over the floor as she prefers to go outside, whatever the weather.  We were worried that the confinement required for radioiodine treatment would cause her too much distress and possibly adversely affect her temperament.

After some further research, we found the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre and were impressed by their set up and the shorter post treatment stay.  We girded our loins and set out for the 2 hour journey in the car.  We arrived rather frazzled with an upset Pippa but were met with a cup of tea and reassurance from Andrew that Pippa would forgive us!  It was a great help to us to receive daily email and telephone updates from Joanna as we were suffering from severe separation anxiety.  Needless to say that Pippa sailed through.  Although she was apparently very vocal in her complaints, she ate well and quickly settled down to use the litter tray.

We were able to have her home after 9 days and although she let us know her displeasure at being confined to one room, after the first 24 hours, she accepted this.  She has been as good as gold with her cat tray and we have found flushing the cat litter to be no problem.

I am happy to say that Pippa is now back to normal and I can confirm that she has forgiven us.  She has very quickly regained her lost weight and is now actually on a diet!  She is back to the contented cat we love and is once more in charge of our household.

With huge thanks to all at the hyperthyroid cat centre.

Best wishes

I am happy to say that Pippa is now back to normal and I can confirm that she has forgiven us.  She has very quickly regained her lost weight and is now actually on a diet!  She is back to the contented cat we love and is once more in charge of our household. Huge thanks to all at the hyperthyroid cat centre.