
Cat Stories

cured hyperthyroid cat & owner

Cat Stories

These stories warm our hearts: we love the feedback we get from delighted cat-owners all over the country, telling us how their cats have been transformed.


Bonnie resting in the shade

Bonnie is Bouncing Back

As somebody who absolutely adores their cat, if you are in a position where your furbaby might need this treatment, please do not hesitate and pay for the treatment, if you can afford it. Best money ever spent!

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Buttons hyperthyroid cat

Beautiful Buttons Fit & Well

I would like to thank Mr Bodey and his amazing team for their skills, care, professionalism and ultimately for saving my cat.

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Sophie now cured of hyperthyroidism

Lovely Words From Sophie’s Family

Our very best wishes for your continued success and we hope that your excellent work will soon be known throughout the country.

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Jessie - now cured of hyperthyroidism

A Happy Ending for Streetcat Jessie

After 6 weeks Jessie looked like she had received a ‘miracle cure’ and blood tests confirmed her thyroid was back within a normal range. And this is all thanks to the amazing people at the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre who I would recommend unreservedly.

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Laddie cured of feline hyperthyrodism using radio-iodine

Brave Laddie – Beating Tumours More Than Once

Laddie’s thyroid levels have been perfect in the 6 months since he completed the treatment and we would recommend this treatment to anyone who is struggling to stabilise their hyperthyroid cat with tablets.

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hyperthyroid cat Daisy - cured of hyperthyroidism by Andrew Bodey

Daisy – Back to Mouseing!

They looked after Daisy as if she was their own cat, and it’s like she now has a second lease of life.

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Milly hyperthyroid cat post radio-iodine treatment - now cured.

Adventurous Milly Chasing Shadows Once More

Milly still purrs and likes to be even closer to us, whenever I sit down she has to be near me. She is still very chatty and does not race around the house as she did before the treatment. 

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Tiny Wrote Her Own Thank You!

I am so much more loving and doing things I didn’t do before I would always turn my back on them when I lay next to them but now I face them when I lay down with them. Tiny’s own words about her recovery.

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Timmy cured of hyperthyroidism

Timmy Hasn’t Looked Back

His owners say he got “exceptional care from the heart”

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Rocky - now cured of feline hyperthyroidism by Andrew Bodey

Rocky Roars Back To Health

Once the quarantine period was over, Rocky returned to his place on our bed and back to his normal routine.  A very big “Thank You” to Andrew and his wonderful staff, without you, Rocky wouldn’t be with us now.

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